понедельник, 1 апреля 2013 г.

Write a story about a kind biker who finds a hidden room.

This story took place long time ago.
There lived in America a brave biker. His name was Jimmy. He was known in many towns and states. Jimmy had traveled on his bike all around North-America and it was many times he had got into dangerous situations but he always managed to get out of them. By his nature Jimmy was a kind guy. He always helped people who needed help. Sometimes Jimmy gave the last gulp of water to his accidental companion. In a long trip in a hot valley he rescued the person, suffering from thirst himself.It is likely that for his kindness to people he was blessed by the Lord, who supported him, sending him a miraculous escape in hopeless situations.

Once, Jimmy had to ride his bike through the state of Utah. He rode along a lonesome road and only hot sun, sand and isolated cliffs surrounded him. Suddenly from behind the cliff near the road, a boy ran out waving his arms. Jimmy stopped. The boy run up to Jimmy and with tears in his eyes he started to ask Jimmy to go with him. Behind the cliff in a small cave the father of the boy was lying. He was unconscious. The boy said that bad people had brought them here. They had beaten his father demanding to say something to them, but having understood that it was useless they threw the father and his son to die without food and water. When the father regained conscience they tried to find a lake but did not find anything. They even did not see any birds and animals. Neither had they seen any person during all these days.

On the third day, the father got ill and could not go any more. After Jimmy heard a story, he asked the boy to bring some water and food from his bike. While the boy was running after the food and water, Jimmy examined the man. Jimmy took the bottle moistened the man’s face with water and then poured some water into his mouth. The man came round quickly. They gave him some food to and put the man off to sleep. Jimmy and the boy ate, too. They brought blankets from the bike and retired to rest too.

A day passed. The boy’s father was feeling better. The man said that his name was Ronnie and his son’s name was Mark. He thanked Jimmy and told him that gangsters had found out that his grandfather had had a map showing the place where robbers had concealed the gold they had looted from people and Indians. When his grandfather had died, Ronnie had got the map. But with this map people had appeared wishing to get it. When gangsters had come, Ronnie remembered the map and threw it into flame. After that the gangsters beat him and threw him and his son in the desert. For saving his life, Ronnie offered Jimmy to join them and try to find the room hidden in the mountains. Jimmy consented and they went to the Kings Peak Mountains, which were located in the North-East of the state. It took them long to find the place. In one of the caves they came across strange paintings, which took them away into the depth of the cave. When Jimmy and Ronnie had explored the paintings well, they understood that somewhere there was a hidden room. They started to tap on the walls. It took a lot of time before they found it. Suddenly , they heard hollowness behind the wall. Jimmy called Ronnie and Mark. They started to break the wall. Behind the wall they found many gold and silver adornments. They decided to take some gold to buy another bike and to come back to take the rest.

That was how Jimmy and his new friends had found the robbers’ hidden room. Jimmy helped Mark and his father to organize their household. They bought a house and a plot of land where they are likely to work up to now. As for our good biker, he just took some money and beetled of to travelling in search of new adventures.

2 комментария:

  1. I said, that Maria´s story is too long. But now I want to take my words back... Too many unknown words.

  2. Very big text but very interesting. There are many unknown words, but you write your story brilliantly.
